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How do I insert my earplugs?Updated 3 months ago

Inserting your ear tips is simple. Here’s how to do it in three easy steps: 

1. Hold the ring of the earplug between your thumb and index finger, and gently insert the ear tip into your ear.

2. Once it seals the ear canal, give it a small twist towards the back until it sits snugly at the base of your ear. 

3. Adjust until the ring feels comfortable and the earplugs stay discreetly out of sight from the front.

If they feel loose or tend to fall out, go up a size. If they’re too tight or stick out, go down a size. To test the fit, move your jaw from side to side – if they’re inserted correctly, they should stay put.

Just a heads up, you might need different sizes for your left and right ear.

Still unsure? Check out the video to see how it’s done.

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